List of common States and Corresponding ROS Parameters and Topics

State sent when all product states has been sent.
Battery state
Mass storage state list
Mass storage info state list
Current date state
Current time state
@deprecated Mass storage info remaining list
Wifi Signal between controller and product state
Sensors states list
Inform of the product model. This is used to customize the UI depending on the connected product.
List of the countries known by the device
@deprecated Overheat temperature reached
@deprecated Overheat regulation state changed
Playing state of a mavlink flight plan
FlightPlan play state error
Sent when the state of the magneto calibration has changed
Status of the calibration requirement
Event sent by a product to inform about the axis to calibrate
Status of the calibration process
State of availability to run a flight plan file
List of state of drone flightPlan components
Controller libARCommands version
SkyController libARCommands version
Device libARCommands version
Notify the controller whether the audio streaming is running.
Notify the instensity values for headlight LEDs.
List of animations state.
List of supported accessories
Accessory config response.
Possibility to modify the accessory configuration.
@deprecated The maximum charge rate reported by the firmware.
@deprecated The charge status of the battery changed.
@deprecated The charge rate of the last charge sent by the firmware.
Information of the charge.
Sent when a run id has changed Run ids are uniquely identifying a run or a flight


State sent when all product states has been sent.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_allstateschanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/AllStatesChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateAllStatesChanged

Header header


Battery state

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_batterystatechanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/BatteryStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateBatteryStateChanged

Header header

# Battery percentage
uint8 percent


Mass storage state list

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_massstoragestatelistchanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/MassStorageStateListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateMassStorageStateListChanged

Header header

# Mass storage id (unique)
uint8 mass_storage_id
# Mass storage name
string name


Mass storage info state list

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_massstorageinfostatelistchanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/MassStorageInfoStateListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateMassStorageInfoStateListChanged

Header header

# Mass storage state id (unique)
uint8 mass_storage_id
# Mass storage size in MBytes
uint32 size
# Mass storage used size in MBytes
uint32 used_size
# Mass storage plugged (1 if mass storage is plugged, otherwise 0)
uint8 plugged
# Mass storage full information state (1 if mass storage full, 0 otherwise).
uint8 full
# Mass storage internal type state (1 if mass storage is internal, 0 otherwise)
uint8 internal


Current date state

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_currentdatechanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/CurrentDateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateCurrentDateChanged

Header header

# Date with ISO-8601 format
string date


Current time state

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_currenttimechanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/CurrentTimeChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateCurrentTimeChanged

Header header

# Time with ISO-8601 format
string time


@deprecated Mass storage info remaining list

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_massstorageinforemaininglistchanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/MassStorageInfoRemainingListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateMassStorageInfoRemainingListChanged

Header header

# Mass storage free space in MBytes
uint32 free_space
# Mass storage record time reamining in minute
uint16 rec_time
# Mass storage photo remaining
uint32 photo_remaining


Wifi Signal between controller and product state

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_wifisignalchanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/WifiSignalChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateWifiSignalChanged

Header header

# RSSI of the signal between controller and the product (in dbm)
int16 rssi


Sensors states list

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_sensorsstateslistchanged
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/SensorsStatesListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateSensorsStatesListChanged

Header header

# Sensor name
uint8 sensorName_IMU=0  # Inertial Measurement Unit sensor
uint8 sensorName_barometer=1  # Barometer sensor
uint8 sensorName_ultrasound=2  # Ultrasonic sensor
uint8 sensorName_GPS=3  # GPS sensor
uint8 sensorName_magnetometer=4  # Magnetometer sensor
uint8 sensorName_vertical_camera=5  # Vertical Camera sensor
uint8 sensorName
# Sensor state (1 if the sensor is OK, 0 if the sensor is NOT OK)
uint8 sensorState


Inform of the product model. This is used to customize the UI depending on the connected product.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_productmodel
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/ProductModel
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateProductModel

Header header

# The Model of the product.
uint8 model_RS_TRAVIS=0  # Travis (RS taxi) model.
uint8 model_RS_MARS=1  # Mars (RS space) model
uint8 model_RS_SWAT=2  # SWAT (RS SWAT) model
uint8 model_RS_MCLANE=3  # Mc Lane (RS police) model
uint8 model_RS_BLAZE=4  # Blaze (RS fire) model
uint8 model_RS_ORAK=5  # Orak (RS carbon hydrofoil) model
uint8 model_RS_NEWZ=6  # New Z (RS wooden hydrofoil) model
uint8 model_JS_MARSHALL=7  # Marshall (JS fire) model
uint8 model_JS_DIESEL=8  # Diesel (JS SWAT) model
uint8 model_JS_BUZZ=9  # Buzz (JS space) model
uint8 model_JS_MAX=10  # Max (JS F1) model
uint8 model_JS_JETT=11  # Jett (JS flames) model
uint8 model_JS_TUKTUK=12  # Tuk-Tuk (JS taxi) model
uint8 model


List of the countries known by the device

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_commonstate_countrylistknown
  • Topic: states/common/CommonState/CountryListKnown
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown

Header header

# List entry attribute Bitfield. 0x01: First: indicate its the first element of the list. 0x02: Last: indicate its the last element of the list. 0x04: Empty: indicate the list is empty (implies First/Last). All other arguments should be ignored.
uint8 listFlags
# Following of country code with ISO 3166 format, separated by ;. Be careful of the command size allowed by the network used. If necessary, split the list in several commands.
string countryCodes


@deprecated Overheat temperature reached

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_overheatstate_overheatchanged
  • Topic: states/common/OverHeatState/OverHeatChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonOverHeatStateOverHeatChanged

Header header


@deprecated Overheat regulation state changed

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_overheatstate_overheatregulationchanged
  • Topic: states/common/OverHeatState/OverHeatRegulationChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonOverHeatStateOverHeatRegulationChanged

Header header

# Type of overheat regulation : 0 for ventilation, 1 for switch off
uint8 regulationType


Playing state of a mavlink flight plan

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mavlinkstate_mavlinkfileplayingstatechanged
  • Topic: states/common/MavlinkState/MavlinkFilePlayingStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonMavlinkStateMavlinkFilePlayingStateChanged

Header header

# State of the mavlink
uint8 state_playing=0  # Mavlink file is playing
uint8 state_stopped=1  # Mavlink file is stopped (arg filepath and type are useless in this state)
uint8 state_paused=2  # Mavlink file is paused
uint8 state
# flight plan file path from the mavlink ftp root
string filepath
# type of the played mavlink file
uint8 type_flightPlan=0  # Mavlink file for FlightPlan
uint8 type_mapMyHouse=1  # Mavlink file for MapMyHouse
uint8 type


FlightPlan play state error

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mavlinkstate_mavlinkplayerrorstatechanged
  • Topic: states/common/MavlinkState/MavlinkPlayErrorStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonMavlinkStateMavlinkPlayErrorStateChanged

Header header

# State of play error
uint8 error_none=0  # There is no error
uint8 error_notInOutDoorMode=1  # The drone is not in outdoor mode
uint8 error_gpsNotFixed=2  # The gps is not fixed
uint8 error_notCalibrated=3  # The magnetometer of the drone is not calibrated
uint8 error


Sent when the state of the magneto calibration has changed

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_calibrationstate_magnetocalibrationstatechanged
  • Topic: states/common/CalibrationState/MagnetoCalibrationStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCalibrationStateMagnetoCalibrationStateChanged

Header header

# State of the x axis (roll) calibration : 1 if calibration is done, 0 otherwise
uint8 xAxisCalibration
# State of the y axis (pitch) calibration : 1 if calibration is done, 0 otherwise
uint8 yAxisCalibration
# State of the z axis (yaw) calibration : 1 if calibration is done, 0 otherwise
uint8 zAxisCalibration
# 1 if calibration has failed, 0 otherwise. If this arg is 1, consider all previous arg as 0
uint8 calibrationFailed


Status of the calibration requirement

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_calibrationstate_magnetocalibrationrequiredstate
  • Topic: states/common/CalibrationState/MagnetoCalibrationRequiredState
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCalibrationStateMagnetoCalibrationRequiredState

Header header

# 1 if calibration is required, 0 if current calibration is still valid
uint8 required


Event sent by a product to inform about the axis to calibrate

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_calibrationstate_magnetocalibrationaxistocalibratechanged
  • Topic: states/common/CalibrationState/MagnetoCalibrationAxisToCalibrateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCalibrationStateMagnetoCalibrationAxisToCalibrateChanged

Header header

# The axis to calibrate
uint8 axis_xAxis=0  # If the current calibration axis should be the x axis
uint8 axis_yAxis=1  # If the current calibration axis should be the y axis
uint8 axis_zAxis=2  # If the current calibration axis should be the z axis
uint8 axis_none=3  # If none of the axis should be calibrated
uint8 axis


Status of the calibration process

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_calibrationstate_magnetocalibrationstartedchanged
  • Topic: states/common/CalibrationState/MagnetoCalibrationStartedChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonCalibrationStateMagnetoCalibrationStartedChanged

Header header

# 1 if calibration has started, 0 otherwise
uint8 started


State of availability to run a flight plan file

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_flightplanstate_availabilitystatechanged
  • Topic: states/common/FlightPlanState/AvailabilityStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonFlightPlanStateAvailabilityStateChanged

Header header

# Running a flightPlan file is available (1 running a flightPlan file is available, otherwise 0)
uint8 AvailabilityState


List of state of drone flightPlan components

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_flightplanstate_componentstatelistchanged
  • Topic: states/common/FlightPlanState/ComponentStateListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonFlightPlanStateComponentStateListChanged

Header header

# Drone FlightPlan component id (unique)
uint8 component_GPS=0  # GPS for Drone FlightPlan
uint8 component_Calibration=1  # Calibration for Drone FlightPlan
uint8 component_Mavlink_File=2  # Mavlink file for Drone FlightPlan
uint8 component_TakeOff=3  # Take off
uint8 component
# State of the FlightPlan component (1 FlightPlan component OK, otherwise 0)
uint8 State


Controller libARCommands version

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_arlibsversionsstate_controllerlibarcommandsversion
  • Topic: states/common/ARLibsVersionsState/ControllerLibARCommandsVersion
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonARLibsVersionsStateControllerLibARCommandsVersion

Header header

# version of libARCommands ( format)
string version


SkyController libARCommands version

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_arlibsversionsstate_skycontrollerlibarcommandsversion
  • Topic: states/common/ARLibsVersionsState/SkyControllerLibARCommandsVersion
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonARLibsVersionsStateSkyControllerLibARCommandsVersion

Header header

# version of libARCommands ( format)
string version


Device libARCommands version

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_arlibsversionsstate_devicelibarcommandsversion
  • Topic: states/common/ARLibsVersionsState/DeviceLibARCommandsVersion
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonARLibsVersionsStateDeviceLibARCommandsVersion

Header header

# version of libARCommands ( format)
string version


Notify the controller whether the audio streaming is running.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_audiostate_audiostreamingrunning
  • Topic: states/common/AudioState/AudioStreamingRunning
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonAudioStateAudioStreamingRunning

Header header

# Bit field for TX and RX running bit 0 is 1 if Drone TX is running bit 1 is 1 if Drone RX is running
uint8 running


Notify the instensity values for headlight LEDs.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_headlightsstate_intensitychanged
  • Topic: states/common/HeadlightsState/intensityChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonHeadlightsStateintensityChanged

Header header

# The intensity value for the left LED (0 through 255).
uint8 left
# The intensity value for the right LED (0 through 255).
uint8 right


List of animations state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_animationsstate_list
  • Topic: states/common/AnimationsState/List
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonAnimationsStateList

Header header

# Animation type.
uint8 anim_HEADLIGHTS_FLASH=0  # Flash headlights.
uint8 anim_HEADLIGHTS_BLINK=1  # Blink headlights.
uint8 anim_HEADLIGHTS_OSCILLATION=2  # Oscillating headlights.
uint8 anim_SPIN=3  # Spin animation.
uint8 anim_TAP=4  # Tap animation.
uint8 anim_SLOW_SHAKE=5  # Slow shake animation.
uint8 anim_METRONOME=6  # Metronome animation.
uint8 anim_ONDULATION=7  # Standing dance animation.
uint8 anim_SPIN_JUMP=8  # Spin jump animation.
uint8 anim_SPIN_TO_POSTURE=9  # Spin that end in standing posture, or in jumper if it was standing animation.
uint8 anim_SPIRAL=10  # Spiral animation.
uint8 anim_SLALOM=11  # Slalom animation.
uint8 anim_BOOST=12  # Boost animation.
uint8 anim
# State of the animation
uint8 state_stopped=0  # animation is stopped
uint8 state_started=1  # animation is started
uint8 state_notAvailable=2  # The animation is not available
uint8 state
# Error to explain the state
uint8 error_ok=0  # No Error
uint8 error_unknown=1  # Unknown generic error
uint8 error


List of supported accessories

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_accessorystate_supportedaccessorieslistchanged
  • Topic: states/common/AccessoryState/SupportedAccessoriesListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonAccessoryStateSupportedAccessoriesListChanged

Header header

# Accessory configurations supported by the product.
uint8 accessory_NO_ACCESSORY=0  # No accessory.
uint8 accessory_STD_WHEELS=1  # Standard wheels
uint8 accessory_TRUCK_WHEELS=2  # Truck wheels
uint8 accessory_HULL=3  # Hull
uint8 accessory_HYDROFOIL=4  # Hydrofoil
uint8 accessory


Accessory config response.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_accessorystate_accessoryconfigchanged
  • Topic: states/common/AccessoryState/AccessoryConfigChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonAccessoryStateAccessoryConfigChanged

Header header

# Accessory configuration reported by firmware.
uint8 newAccessory_UNCONFIGURED=0  # No accessory configuration set. Controller needs to set one.
uint8 newAccessory_NO_ACCESSORY=1  # No accessory.
uint8 newAccessory_STD_WHEELS=2  # Standard wheels
uint8 newAccessory_TRUCK_WHEELS=3  # Truck wheels
uint8 newAccessory_HULL=4  # Hull
uint8 newAccessory_HYDROFOIL=5  # Hydrofoil
uint8 newAccessory
# Error code.
uint8 error_OK=0  # No error. Accessory config change successful.
uint8 error_UNKNOWN=1  # Cannot change accessory configuration for some reason.
uint8 error_FLYING=2  # Cannot change accessory configuration while flying.
uint8 error


Possibility to modify the accessory configuration.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_accessorystate_accessoryconfigmodificationenabled
  • Topic: states/common/AccessoryState/AccessoryConfigModificationEnabled
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonAccessoryStateAccessoryConfigModificationEnabled

Header header

# 1 if the modification of the accessory Config is enabled, 0 otherwise
uint8 enabled


@deprecated The maximum charge rate reported by the firmware.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_chargerstate_maxchargeratechanged
  • Topic: states/common/ChargerState/MaxChargeRateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonChargerStateMaxChargeRateChanged

Header header

# The current maximum charge rate.
uint8 rate_SLOW=0  # Fully charge the battery at a slow rate. Typically limit max charge current to 512 mA.
uint8 rate_MODERATE=1  # Almost fully-charge the battery at moderate rate (> 512 mA) but slower than the fastest rate.
uint8 rate_FAST=2  # Almost fully-charge the battery at the highest possible rate supported by the charger.
uint8 rate


@deprecated The charge status of the battery changed.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_chargerstate_currentchargestatechanged
  • Topic: states/common/ChargerState/CurrentChargeStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonChargerStateCurrentChargeStateChanged

Header header

# Charger status.
uint8 status_DISCHARGING=0  # The battery is discharging.
uint8 status_CHARGING_SLOW=1  # The battery is charging at a slow rate about 512 mA.
uint8 status_CHARGING_MODERATE=2  # The battery is charging at a moderate rate (> 512 mA) but slower than the fastest rate.
uint8 status_CHARGING_FAST=3  # The battery is charging at a the fastest rate.
uint8 status_BATTERY_FULL=4  # The charger is plugged and the battery is fully charged.
uint8 status
# The current charging phase.
uint8 phase_UNKNOWN=0  # The charge phase is unknown or irrelevant.
uint8 phase_CONSTANT_CURRENT_1=1  # First phase of the charging process. The battery is charging with constant current.
uint8 phase_CONSTANT_CURRENT_2=2  # Second phase of the charging process. The battery is charging with constant current, with a higher voltage than the first phase.
uint8 phase_CONSTANT_VOLTAGE=3  # Last part of the charging process. The battery is charging with a constant voltage.
uint8 phase_CHARGED=4  # The battery is fully charged.
uint8 phase


@deprecated The charge rate of the last charge sent by the firmware.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_chargerstate_lastchargeratechanged
  • Topic: states/common/ChargerState/LastChargeRateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonChargerStateLastChargeRateChanged

Header header

# The charge rate recorded by the firmware for the last charge.
uint8 rate_UNKNOWN=0  # The last charge rate is not known.
uint8 rate_SLOW=1  # Slow charge rate.
uint8 rate_MODERATE=2  # Moderate charge rate.
uint8 rate_FAST=3  # Fast charge rate.
uint8 rate


Information of the charge.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_chargerstate_charginginfo
  • Topic: states/common/ChargerState/ChargingInfo
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonChargerStateChargingInfo

Header header

# The current charging phase.
uint8 phase_UNKNOWN=0  # The charge phase is unknown or irrelevant.
uint8 phase_CONSTANT_CURRENT_1=1  # First phase of the charging process. The battery is charging with constant current.
uint8 phase_CONSTANT_CURRENT_2=2  # Second phase of the charging process. The battery is charging with constant current, with a higher voltage than the first phase.
uint8 phase_CONSTANT_VOLTAGE=3  # Last part of the charging process. The battery is charging with a constant voltage.
uint8 phase_CHARGED=4  # The battery is fully charged.
uint8 phase_DISCHARGING=5  # The battery is discharging; Other arguments refers to the last charge.
uint8 phase
# The charge rate. If phase is DISCHARGING, refers to the last charge.
uint8 rate_UNKNOWN=0  # The charge rate is not known.
uint8 rate_SLOW=1  # Slow charge rate.
uint8 rate_MODERATE=2  # Moderate charge rate.
uint8 rate_FAST=3  # Fast charge rate.
uint8 rate
# The charging intensity, in dA. (12dA = 1,2A) ; If phase is DISCHARGING, refers to the last charge. Equals to 0 if not known.
uint8 intensity
# The full charging time estimated, in minute. If phase is DISCHARGING, refers to the last charge. Equals to 0 if not known.
uint8 fullChargingTime


Sent when a run id has changed Run ids are uniquely identifying a run or a flight

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_runstate_runidchanged
  • Topic: states/common/RunState/RunIdChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::CommonRunStateRunIdChanged

Header header

# Id of the run
string runId