List of ardrone3 States and Corresponding ROS Parameters and Topics

Picture state.
Picture record state.
Picture state.
Video record state.
Video resolution.n Informs about streaming and recording video resolutions.n Note that this is only an indication about what the resolution should be. To know the real resolution, you should get it from the frame.
Drone acknowledges that flat trim was correctly processed.
Flying state.
Alert state.
Return home state.n Availability is related to gps fix, magnetometer calibration.
Drones position changed.
Drones speed changed.n Expressed in the NED referential (North-East-Down).
Drones attitude changed.
Auto takeoff mode
Drones altitude changed.n The altitude reported is the altitude above the take off point.n To get the altitude above sea level, see [PositionChanged](#1-4-4).
Drones location changed.n This event is meant to replace [PositionChanged](#1-4-4).
Landing state.n Only available for fixed wings (which have two landing modes).
Drones air speed changedn Expressed in the drones referential.
The drone moves or moved to a given location.
Wifi scan results.n Please note that the list is not complete until you receive the event [WifiScanEnded](#1-14-1).
Wifi scan ended.n When receiving this event, the list of [WifiScanResults](#1-14-0) is complete.
Available wifi channels.n Please note that the list is not complete until you receive the event [AvailableWifiChannelsCompleted](#1-14-3).
Available wifi channels completed.n When receiving this event, the list of [AvailableWifiChannels](#1-14-2) is complete.
Video stream state.


Camera orientation.
Orientation of the center of the camera.n This is the value to send when you want to center the camera.
Camera orientation with float arguments.
Orientation of the center of the camera.n This is the value to send when you want to center the camera.
Camera Orientation velocity limits.
Electric frequency.n This piece of information is used for the antiflickering when the [AntiflickeringMode](#1-30-1) is set to auto.
Antiflickering mode.
Number of GPS satellites.
Home type availability.
Home type.n This choice is made by the drone, according to the [PreferredHomeType](#1-24-4) and the [HomeTypeAvailability](#1-31-1). The drone will choose the type matching with the user preference only if this type is available. If not, it will chose a type in this order:n FOLLOWEE ; TAKEOFF ; PILOT ; FIRST_FIX
Pro features.
List of all connected accessories. This event presents the list of all connected accessories. To actually use the component, use the component dedicated feature.


Picture state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mediarecordstate_picturestatechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/MediaRecordState/PictureStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3MediaRecordStatePictureStateChanged

Header header

# 1 if picture has been taken, 0 otherwise
uint8 state
# Mass storage id where the picture was recorded
uint8 mass_storage_id


Picture record state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mediarecordstate_videostatechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/MediaRecordState/VideoStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3MediaRecordStateVideoStateChanged

Header header

# State of video
uint8 state_stopped=0  # Video was stopped
uint8 state_started=1  # Video was started
uint8 state_failed=2  # Video was failed
uint8 state_autostopped=3  # Video was auto stopped
uint8 state
# Mass storage id where the video was recorded
uint8 mass_storage_id


Picture state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mediarecordstate_picturestatechangedv2
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/MediaRecordState/PictureStateChangedV2
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3MediaRecordStatePictureStateChangedV2

Header header

# State of device picture recording
uint8 state_ready=0  # The picture recording is ready
uint8 state_busy=1  # The picture recording is busy
uint8 state_notAvailable=2  # The picture recording is not available
uint8 state
# Error to explain the state
uint8 error_ok=0  # No Error
uint8 error_unknown=1  # Unknown generic error
uint8 error_camera_ko=2  # Picture camera is out of order
uint8 error_memoryFull=3  # Memory full ; cannot save one additional picture
uint8 error_lowBattery=4  # Battery is too low to start/keep recording.
uint8 error


Video record state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mediarecordstate_videostatechangedv2
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/MediaRecordState/VideoStateChangedV2
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3MediaRecordStateVideoStateChangedV2

Header header

# State of device video recording
uint8 state_stopped=0  # Video is stopped
uint8 state_started=1  # Video is started
uint8 state_notAvailable=2  # The video recording is not available
uint8 state
# Error to explain the state
uint8 error_ok=0  # No Error
uint8 error_unknown=1  # Unknown generic error
uint8 error_camera_ko=2  # Video camera is out of order
uint8 error_memoryFull=3  # Memory full ; cannot save one additional video
uint8 error_lowBattery=4  # Battery is too low to start/keep recording.
uint8 error


Video resolution.n Informs about streaming and recording video resolutions.n Note that this is only an indication about what the resolution should be. To know the real resolution, you should get it from the frame.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mediarecordstate_videoresolutionstate
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/MediaRecordState/VideoResolutionState
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3MediaRecordStateVideoResolutionState

Header header

# Streaming resolution
uint8 streaming_res360p=0  # 360p resolution.
uint8 streaming_res480p=1  # 480p resolution.
uint8 streaming_res720p=2  # 720p resolution.
uint8 streaming_res1080p=3  # 1080p resolution.
uint8 streaming
# Recording resolution
uint8 recording_res360p=0  # 360p resolution.
uint8 recording_res480p=1  # 480p resolution.
uint8 recording_res720p=2  # 720p resolution.
uint8 recording_res1080p=3  # 1080p resolution.
uint8 recording


Drone acknowledges that flat trim was correctly processed.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_flattrimchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/FlatTrimChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateFlatTrimChanged

Header header


Flying state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_flyingstatechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/FlyingStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateFlyingStateChanged

Header header

# Drone flying state
uint8 state_landed=0  # Landed state
uint8 state_takingoff=1  # Taking off state
uint8 state_hovering=2  # Hovering / Circling (for fixed wings) state
uint8 state_flying=3  # Flying state
uint8 state_landing=4  # Landing state
uint8 state_emergency=5  # Emergency state
uint8 state_usertakeoff=6  # User take off state. Waiting for user action to take off.
uint8 state_motor_ramping=7  # Motor ramping state (for fixed wings).
uint8 state_emergency_landing=8  # Emergency landing state. Drone autopilot has detected defective sensor(s). Only Yaw argument in PCMD is taken into account. All others flying commands are ignored.
uint8 state


Alert state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_alertstatechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/AlertStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateAlertStateChanged

Header header

# Drone alert state
uint8 state_none=0  # No alert
uint8 state_user=1  # User emergency alert
uint8 state_cut_out=2  # Cut out alert
uint8 state_critical_battery=3  # Critical battery alert
uint8 state_low_battery=4  # Low battery alert
uint8 state_too_much_angle=5  # The angle of the drone is too high
uint8 state


Return home state.n Availability is related to gps fix, magnetometer calibration.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_navigatehomestatechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/NavigateHomeStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateNavigateHomeStateChanged

Header header

# State of navigate home
uint8 state_available=0  # Navigate home is available
uint8 state_inProgress=1  # Navigate home is in progress
uint8 state_unavailable=2  # Navigate home is not available
uint8 state_pending=3  # Navigate home has been received, but its process is pending
uint8 state
# Reason of the state
uint8 reason_userRequest=0  # User requested a navigate home (available->inProgress)
uint8 reason_connectionLost=1  # Connection between controller and product lost (available->inProgress)
uint8 reason_lowBattery=2  # Low battery occurred (available->inProgress)
uint8 reason_finished=3  # Navigate home is finished (inProgress->available)
uint8 reason_stopped=4  # Navigate home has been stopped (inProgress->available)
uint8 reason_disabled=5  # Navigate home disabled by product (inProgress->unavailable or available->unavailable)
uint8 reason_enabled=6  # Navigate home enabled by product (unavailable->available)
uint8 reason


Drones position changed.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_positionchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/PositionChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStatePositionChanged

Header header

# Latitude position in decimal degrees (500.0 if not available)
float64 latitude
# Longitude position in decimal degrees (500.0 if not available)
float64 longitude
# Altitude in meters (from GPS)
float64 altitude


Drones speed changed.n Expressed in the NED referential (North-East-Down).

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_speedchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/SpeedChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateSpeedChanged

Header header

# Speed relative to the North (when drone moves to the north, speed is > 0) (in m/s)
float32 speedX
# Speed relative to the East (when drone moves to the east, speed is > 0) (in m/s)
float32 speedY
# Speed on the z axis (when drone moves down, speed is > 0) (in m/s)
float32 speedZ


Drones attitude changed.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_attitudechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/AttitudeChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateAttitudeChanged

Header header

# roll value (in radian)
float32 roll
# Pitch value (in radian)
float32 pitch
# Yaw value (in radian)
float32 yaw


Auto takeoff mode

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_autotakeoffmodechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/AutoTakeOffModeChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateAutoTakeOffModeChanged

Header header

# State of automatic take off mode (1 if enabled)
uint8 state


Drones altitude changed.n The altitude reported is the altitude above the take off point.n To get the altitude above sea level, see [PositionChanged](#1-4-4).

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_altitudechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/AltitudeChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateAltitudeChanged

Header header

# Altitude in meters
float64 altitude


Drones location changed.n This event is meant to replace [PositionChanged](#1-4-4).

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_gpslocationchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/GpsLocationChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateGpsLocationChanged

Header header

# Latitude location in decimal degrees (500.0 if not available)
float64 latitude
# Longitude location in decimal degrees (500.0 if not available)
float64 longitude
# Altitude location in meters.
float64 altitude
# Latitude location error in meters (1 sigma/standard deviation) -1 if not available.
int8 latitude_accuracy
# Longitude location error in meters (1 sigma/standard deviation) -1 if not available.
int8 longitude_accuracy
# Altitude location error in meters (1 sigma/standard deviation) -1 if not available.
int8 altitude_accuracy


Landing state.n Only available for fixed wings (which have two landing modes).

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_landingstatechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/LandingStateChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateLandingStateChanged

Header header

# Drone landing state
uint8 state_linear=0  # Linear landing
uint8 state_spiral=1  # Spiral landing
uint8 state


Drones air speed changedn Expressed in the drones referential.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_airspeedchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/AirSpeedChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStateAirSpeedChanged

Header header

# Speed relative to air on x axis (speed is always > 0) (in m/s)
float32 airSpeed


The drone moves or moved to a given location.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_pilotingstate_movetochanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PilotingState/moveToChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PilotingStatemoveToChanged

Header header

# Latitude of the location (in degrees) to reach
float64 latitude
# Longitude of the location (in degrees) to reach
float64 longitude
# Altitude above sea level (in m) to reach
float64 altitude
# Orientation mode of the move to
uint8 orientation_mode_NONE=0  # The drone wont change its orientation
uint8 orientation_mode_TO_TARGET=1  # The drone will make a rotation to look in direction of the given location
uint8 orientation_mode_HEADING_START=2  # The drone will orientate itself to the given heading before moving to the location
uint8 orientation_mode_HEADING_DURING=3  # The drone will orientate itself to the given heading while moving to the location
uint8 orientation_mode
# Heading (relative to the North in degrees). This value is only used if the orientation mode is HEADING_START or HEADING_DURING
float32 heading
# Status of the move to
uint8 status_RUNNING=0  # The drone is actually flying to the given position
uint8 status_DONE=1  # The drone has reached the target
uint8 status_CANCELED=2  # The move to has been canceled, either by a new moveTo command or by a CancelMoveTo command.
uint8 status_ERROR=3  # The move to has not been finished or started because of an error.
uint8 status


Wifi scan results.n Please note that the list is not complete until you receive the event [WifiScanEnded](#1-14-1).

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_networkstate_wifiscanlistchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/NetworkState/WifiScanListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3NetworkStateWifiScanListChanged

Header header

# SSID of the AP
string ssid
# RSSI of the AP in dbm (negative value)
int16 rssi
# The band : 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
uint8 band_2_4ghz=0  # 2.4 GHz band
uint8 band_5ghz=1  # 5 GHz band
uint8 band
# Channel of the AP
uint8 channel


Wifi scan ended.n When receiving this event, the list of [WifiScanResults](#1-14-0) is complete.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_networkstate_allwifiscanchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/NetworkState/AllWifiScanChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3NetworkStateAllWifiScanChanged

Header header


Available wifi channels.n Please note that the list is not complete until you receive the event [AvailableWifiChannelsCompleted](#1-14-3).

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_networkstate_wifiauthchannellistchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/NetworkState/WifiAuthChannelListChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3NetworkStateWifiAuthChannelListChanged

Header header

# The band of this channel : 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
uint8 band_2_4ghz=0  # 2.4 GHz band
uint8 band_5ghz=1  # 5 GHz band
uint8 band
# The authorized channel.
uint8 channel
# Bit 0 is 1 if channel is authorized outside (0 otherwise) ; Bit 1 is 1 if channel is authorized inside (0 otherwise)
uint8 in_or_out


Available wifi channels completed.n When receiving this event, the list of [AvailableWifiChannels](#1-14-2) is complete.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_networkstate_allwifiauthchannelchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/NetworkState/AllWifiAuthChannelChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3NetworkStateAllWifiAuthChannelChanged

Header header


Video stream state.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mediastreamingstate_videoenablechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/MediaStreamingState/VideoEnableChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3MediaStreamingStateVideoEnableChanged

Header header

# Current video streaming status.
uint8 enabled_enabled=0  # Video streaming is enabled.
uint8 enabled_disabled=1  # Video streaming is disabled.
uint8 enabled_error=2  # Video streaming failed to start.
uint8 enabled


  • Parameter: ~states/enable_mediastreamingstate_videostreammodechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/MediaStreamingState/VideoStreamModeChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3MediaStreamingStateVideoStreamModeChanged

Header header

# stream mode
uint8 mode_low_latency=0  # Minimize latency with average reliability (best for piloting).
uint8 mode_high_reliability=1  # Maximize the reliability with an average latency (best when streaming quality is important but not the latency).
uint8 mode_high_reliability_low_framerate=2  # Maximize the reliability using a framerate decimation with an average latency (best when streaming quality is important but not the latency).
uint8 mode


Camera orientation.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_camerastate_orientation
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/CameraState/Orientation
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3CameraStateOrientation

Header header

# Tilt camera consign for the drone [-100;100]
int8 tilt
# Pan camera consign for the drone [-100;100]
int8 pan


Orientation of the center of the camera.n This is the value to send when you want to center the camera.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_camerastate_defaultcameraorientation
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/CameraState/defaultCameraOrientation
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3CameraStatedefaultCameraOrientation

Header header

# Tilt value (in degree)
int8 tilt
# Pan value (in degree)
int8 pan


Camera orientation with float arguments.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_camerastate_orientationv2
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/CameraState/OrientationV2
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3CameraStateOrientationV2

Header header

# Tilt camera consign for the drone [deg]
float32 tilt
# Pan camera consign for the drone [deg]
float32 pan


Orientation of the center of the camera.n This is the value to send when you want to center the camera.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_camerastate_defaultcameraorientationv2
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/CameraState/defaultCameraOrientationV2
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3CameraStatedefaultCameraOrientationV2

Header header

# Tilt value [deg]
float32 tilt
# Pan value [deg]
float32 pan


Camera Orientation velocity limits.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_camerastate_velocityrange
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/CameraState/VelocityRange
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3CameraStateVelocityRange

Header header

# Absolute max tilt velocity [deg/s]
float32 max_tilt
# Absolute max pan velocity [deg/s]
float32 max_pan


Electric frequency.n This piece of information is used for the antiflickering when the [AntiflickeringMode](#1-30-1) is set to auto.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_antiflickeringstate_electricfrequencychanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/AntiflickeringState/electricFrequencyChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3AntiflickeringStateelectricFrequencyChanged

Header header

# Type of the electric frequency
uint8 frequency_fiftyHertz=0  # Electric frequency of the country is 50hz
uint8 frequency_sixtyHertz=1  # Electric frequency of the country is 60hz
uint8 frequency


Antiflickering mode.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_antiflickeringstate_modechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/AntiflickeringState/modeChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3AntiflickeringStatemodeChanged

Header header

# Mode of the anti flickering functionnality
uint8 mode_auto=0  # Anti flickering based on the electric frequency previously sent
uint8 mode_FixedFiftyHertz=1  # Anti flickering based on a fixed frequency of 50Hz
uint8 mode_FixedSixtyHertz=2  # Anti flickering based on a fixed frequency of 60Hz
uint8 mode


Number of GPS satellites.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_gpsstate_numberofsatellitechanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/GPSState/NumberOfSatelliteChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3GPSStateNumberOfSatelliteChanged

Header header

# The number of satellite
uint8 numberOfSatellite


Home type availability.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_gpsstate_hometypeavailabilitychanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/GPSState/HomeTypeAvailabilityChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3GPSStateHomeTypeAvailabilityChanged

Header header

# The type of the return home
uint8 type_TAKEOFF=0  # The drone has enough information to return to the take off position
uint8 type_PILOT=1  # The drone has enough information to return to the pilot position
uint8 type_FIRST_FIX=2  # The drone has not enough information, it will return to the first GPS fix
uint8 type_FOLLOWEE=3  # The drone has enough information to return to the target of the current (or last) follow me
uint8 type
# 1 if this type is available, 0 otherwise
uint8 available


Home type.n This choice is made by the drone, according to the [PreferredHomeType](#1-24-4) and the [HomeTypeAvailability](#1-31-1). The drone will choose the type matching with the user preference only if this type is available. If not, it will chose a type in this order:n FOLLOWEE ; TAKEOFF ; PILOT ; FIRST_FIX

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_gpsstate_hometypechosenchanged
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/GPSState/HomeTypeChosenChanged
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3GPSStateHomeTypeChosenChanged

Header header

# The type of the return home chosen
uint8 type_TAKEOFF=0  # The drone will return to the take off position
uint8 type_PILOT=1  # The drone will return to the pilot position In this case, the drone will use the position given by ARDrone3-SendControllerGPS
uint8 type_FIRST_FIX=2  # The drone has not enough information, it will return to the first GPS fix
uint8 type_FOLLOWEE=3  # The drone will return to the target of the current (or last) follow me In this case, the drone will use the position of the target of the followMe (given by ControllerInfo-GPS)
uint8 type


Pro features.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_prostate_features
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/PROState/Features
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3PROStateFeatures

Header header

# Bitfield representing enabled features.
uint64 features


List of all connected accessories. This event presents the list of all connected accessories. To actually use the component, use the component dedicated feature.

  • Parameter: ~states/enable_accessorystate_connectedaccessories
  • Topic: states/ardrone3/AccessoryState/ConnectedAccessories
  • Message type: bebop_msgs::Ardrone3AccessoryStateConnectedAccessories

Header header

# Id of the accessory for the session.
uint8 id
# Accessory type
uint8 accessory_type_sequoia=0  # Parrot Sequoia (multispectral camera for agriculture)
uint8 accessory_type_unknownaccessory_1=1  # UNKNOWNACCESSORY_1 camera (thermal+rgb camera)
uint8 accessory_type
# Unique Id of the accessory. This id is unique by accessory_type.
string uid
# Software Version of the accessory.
string swVersion